Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ni hao friends and family! Updating my blog turned out to be more of a challenge than I expected. Of course I thought it would be difficult to make time for it, but then I arrived and to my disappointment and surprise I was not able to update it without a VPN! Blogger is a subsidiary of google, which is not always available for use in China. Obviously, I wanted to update you all but I had some settling in to take care of as well before I researched a VPN. I have also been tremendously busy since I got here which has been good and bad. Good because it keeps me from getting too homesick bad because I am exhausted!

I still can't believe some days that I live in Shanghai, China. That sounds silly but its so strange and exciting still! My journey here was not too long or painful at all. I was in disbelief on my way to the airport and in the airport while waiting to board the flight. For a while it seemed like this trip was never going to happen because of Visa issues and lining up work and figuring out financing. Then all of the sudden I was in the car with my parents en route to the airport. My flight was seamless, I had three seats to myself in economy plus but I could not completely relax because I was so anxious about all of the new hurdles that lay in front of me. All of the stress and anxiety of worrying about the unknowns (getting through customs for the first time in my life alone, starting a new job in a new field a week behind my colleagues, not knowing the language, not knowing the lay of the land) caught up to me along with that whole 14 hour flight plus a 12 hour time change. I was literally culture shocked and completely exhausted when I got in the taxi with Trent. Thankfully he had the next day off from work and our air shipment arrived so I didn't get to spend the whole day hiding under the covers wishing I was back in Michigan, which was my body's first instinct upon relocating across the globe.

Once we got our air shipment semi-unpacked we set out to the school so I could map out the best route and meet my boss in person. We figured the best/easiest way for me is to walk to the #9 subway and take it 11 stops to Guilin Rd and then walk to the school on Cao Bao from there. It takes me about an hour and 15-20 minutes to get to work in the morning so I have to get up extra early to be there by 7:45 because my first class starts at 8. Fortunately, Middle Yanggao Rd. is the terminal station or the end of the subway line so I always have a seat in the morning and after my twenty minute hike to work its a relief. I love walking down Guilin Rd. to Cao Bao. Its a really busy street with vendors and shops the whole way. I can grab breakfast on my way and a snack on my way home. Since I'm done teaching at 3 and done grading and wrapping things up by 3:30 or 4 the subway usually isn't too packed on the way home either so I get to relax and sometimes chat with my fellow passengers. More on this later.

For now, here is the first glimpse of China I had from the window of the 747 that brought me here and the route I take to work to give you a better idea of my little routine Monday through Friday. My feet are still adjusting, and I'm certain I've lost several pounds from all the walking in the steamy 90 degree heat everyday.

I have so much more to write and tell you but I don't want to put it all in one giant post! I have pictures of our apartment complex, its beautiful there's a koi pond and adorable children and families. We're five minutes from Thumb Plaza which is a huge shopping center with clothing stores, restaurants, coffee shops and constantly buzzing with locals and ex pats. I also have photos and stories from our trip to a bird and flower market. I'm going to bring my camera with me to the school next week so you can see where I work and I will take some more photos of our digs and share stories from the fabric market, the fakes market, the Hotel Thing Confluence and the wonderful exchanges with my students. Email me or comment questions that you have and I will try to address or answer them!

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